Welcome to HOPE Kids which encompasses our children's programming from infant to grade 6! 

For some FAQ's about Sunday School and Nursery at Hope click here

Sunday Programs

Nursery (0-2 yrs)

Nursery at Hope is offered currently during the 10 am morning services for those children newborn to just under 3!  At Hope, we take the responsibility of looking after your children very seriously.  We have strict Child Safety procedures in place to ensure a safe environment for children (including a tag/check in system for drop-off and pick-up) designed to protect children.  

Please Note: if your child is 3 years old before September 1st and potty trained, he or she may be ready for Sunday School. 

Please feel free to call the church office with any questions you may have.

Summer Sunday School Registration

Summer Sunday school registration has now opened for children aged 3 up to those in senior kindergarten!  We will begin on Sunday, June 16th and each week we will be learning about different topics such as parables, why & how do we pray, Jonah, Moses, God calling Samuel, and more! Register today by clicking the link. 

Summer Sunday School Teachers

If you are interested in teaching Sunday school this summer for a week (or two!), click the following link to pick a date! Please read through the description and requirements to teach Sunday school. All lessons are provided upon registering with activities and colouring pages as well. 

Sunday School (Age 3-Gr 6)

Before your child/children attend the Sunday School program, we will need a bit more information so we can care for your child. Click Below!

This season will begin mid September, 2024 and finish mid/late June 2025. The faith development of the children at Hope is an integral part of our church community. We are excited to study the DWELL curriculum, at Hope CRC! (Read more about this curriculum on their website.)   https://dwell.faithaliveresources.org/

Sunday School runs from September to June.

Age 3 - Grade 4 (leave during the service after the children's message) Children will be dismissed from service to their age appropriate classroom for a story & lesson/activity. 

Grade 5 - 6 (leave after the Pastor's message)  Children in grade 5 & 6 will be dismissed to experience a story/lesson 'DIVE' curriculum. These classes run 10-15 minutes past the service. Parents can enjoy a coffee/tea in the fellowship hall as they wait.

Weekly Programs

GEMS Girls Club

GEMS Club, for girls grades 3-6! Has finished for the 2023-2024 season, but we have opened the registration for next year. Click the link to sign up today!

GEMS stands for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour. This club runs the first 3 Club runs 3 Wednesdays of each month from 7pm-8:40pm from September to April. 

Contact Chantelle Eelkema chantelle.eelkema@hopecrc.ca  for more details.

Cadets Boys Club

This club is for boys grade 4-8. The Cadets Club helps boys grow spiritually in all areas of life (devotional, mental, physical, and social) by providing Christian men with a uniquely designed structure, program, and materials so that they can mentor boys effectively. Boys will have the opportunity to build friendships and explore and learn hands-on activities. 

The 2023-2024 season has now ended but registration is open for the 2024-2025 season. Register today with the following link if you are interested in signing up! 

This club runs every Wednesday evening from 7pm-8:40pm from September to April. Contact Chantelle Eelkema chantelle.eelkema@hopecrc.ca  for more details.