
To follow Christ is to be invited on a journey of lifelong growth

Parenting Course

Begins Fall 2024

RSVP with the following link ( by SEPTEMBER 1st, so we can order enough books for all the participants.

Exciting new program coming soon at Hope! This fall we will be starting a new program designed to equip all of us in the faith formation of our children.

This program is not just for parents of the youth, it is for everyone in the congregation, whether you are a parent of young children, a parent to be, grandparents, aunt or uncle or any other member of the church who seeks to be better equipped to talk with our youth about their faith journey.
We will be meeting on the fourth Thursday of every month from 7-9, during youth group, and we will be studying the book “Dear Parent: a guide for family faith formation”

During these sessions we hope to do the following:

The evenings will begin with coffee and social time, then we will join the youth for praise and worship and then break off into our own group to begin this study. During the study, our pastors will recap the chapter that we had each read the previous month, engage in group discussion based on the questions in the book and have an opportunity to share any other questions or thoughts you may have about faith formation in our youth.  

Hope CRC does an amazing job at our educational programs and ministries.  This program is designed to equip us to carry on these conversations at home, as we all together seek to fulfill the promises made in baptism for the young people in our community.

For more information please also talk to Pastor Doug, Pastor William or Mike Bekendam 

Small Groups @ Hope

If you missed our “sign-up” for small groups, it’s not too late. We are gathering information about existing small groups at Hope (did we miss yours?), and expressions of interest in potentially joining a small group. If you are interested, or have any questions, please let us know: 

Dale or Kevin

RightNow Media Access

A gift for you! Hope CRC now has created a RightNow Media subscription for all members to access. Think of it like a Netflix for Bible Studies, conferences videos, kids shows, etc. Deepen your faith in your personal study time or dive into a video series with a small group.

Anyone can sign up and get full access. Haven't done it yet? Click here to gain access and set up your free account.

2024 Morning Prayers

Access the outline to help us focus our prayers each morning in 2024, as we follow the richness of God’s salvation and let Him hear our voice (Psalm 5:3)


Wednesday Prayer Zoom

Every Wednesday, people from Hope join together for prayer at 7pm. A Zoom link is sent out to the Hope email list and is posted on The Bridge App. See our Connect page to get signed up to receive this.

Listen | Podcasts

Podcasts are great ways to nurture your faith and fill your mind with inspiring messages. Take them with you on the go or listen as you work.