40 Days of Prayer

You’re Invited! Pray for the CRC for 40 days leading up to Synod 2024

You’re invited. Yes, you. But not just you. The person who sits next to you and across from you and behind you in worship—they’re invited too. Actually, anyone connected to the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) is invited. The prayers of fellow Christ followers are welcome as well. Together, all of us are invited to embark on 40 days of prayer leading into Synod 2024.



What are we praying about?


What's prompting this particular season of prayer?

How are we praying together?

Who wrote the prayers?

How do I sign up?

Other ways to pray with others in the CRC

Let's discuss


This 40-day prayer initiative begins Sunday, May 5 and continues through Thursday, June 13. These dates were chosen to lead us up to the start of Synod 2024—the annual gathering of the Christian Reformed Church (CRC). If you miss the May 5 start date, don’t worry. You’re free to join anytime. It’s never too late to join in this prayer initiative!

What are we praying about?

In the simplest form, we’re praying that God will work in us on our journey of longing to be like Christ. Throughout this initiative, we’ll ask God to move among us. We’ll confess ways that we’re resistant to being like Christ. We’ll take time to listen deeply and to consider how we can lean into the life of Jesus Christ together. This season of prayer invites us to focus on being like Christ and being attentive to the Holy Spirit.


As a way of shaping our journey, our prayers in this initiative will be guided by the following themes:

Overall theme of “God With Us”


What’s prompting this particular season of prayer?

We continue to face challenges in the CRC. Synod 2024 is on the horizon—which will bring both good discussions and difficult moments. In preparation for Synod, we’re providing 40 Days of Prayer. The initiative fits with a larger denominational priority on cultivating practices of prayer

and spiritual disciplines (and it’s been designed with Synod 2024 in mind).

You can find other opportunities to participate in prayer during the week of synod at www.crcna.org/synod/prayer.

How are we praying together?

Prayer prompts will be emailed each day for 40 days (or once a week in a printable PDF format). Each day includes a suggested Bible reading, a prayer, and a couple questions to encourage further reflection or conversation. The rich diversity of prayer in our denomination will be evident, as some prayers read like Psalms, others like conversations, and others follow formats that could fit in a formal book of prayer. Some contain a preface or reflection that leads into the prayer. Together, these prayers help us to raise our voices before God in an intentional way for 40 days as delegates

prepare to gather for Synod 2024.

You can use the prayer prompts in your personal devotion time, at a meal with others in your home, in small groups, or even in connection with worship settings. The “together” aspect of this initiative is that people across the CRC—in Canada, the U.S., and around the world— will be engaging with the same Bible passage, the same prayer, and the same reflection questions on a daily basis for 40 days. Though we’re physically apart from each other, we’ll be uniting in prayer as together we long to be like Christ.

Who wrote the prayers?

Writers include pastors, chaplains, missionaries, seminary and high school students, young adults, denominational staff, lay leaders, and people with disabilities. There are prayers in ten different languages—with English translations for all. Both the writers and the languages reflect the CRCs beautiful diversity.

So how do I sign up?

You can sign up for this prayer initiative using this form. Enter your email address, then check the box for the “Special Synod Prayer” and click “Subscribe.” You should receive a confirmation email once you’ve subscribed. Emails will be sent daily and a link to a print-friendly downloadable PDF of the weekly version will be in every daily email.

Are there more ways to pray with others in the CRC?

Yes! There are multiple opportunities to pray with others across the CRC. You can find more details at crcna.org/pray.

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